aggregate fruit
aggregate fruit

Anaggregatefruitoretaerioisafruitthatdevelopsfromthemergerofseveralovariesthatwereseparatedinasingleflower.Incontrast,asimple ...,2024年2月19日—Aggregatefruitsconsistofseveralseparatecarpelsofoneapocarpousgynoecium(e.g.,raspberrieswhereeachunitis...


聚合果(aggregatefruit),由單一花多個離生心皮發育而成的果實,例如樹莓...aggregatefruit-聚合果.雙語詞彙、學術名詞暨辭書資訊綱.國家教育研究院 ...

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Aggregate fruit

An aggregate fruit or etaerio is a fruit that develops from the merger of several ovaries that were separated in a single flower. In contrast, a simple ...

Aggregate fruit

2024年2月19日 — Aggregate fruits consist of several separate carpels of one apocarpous gynoecium (e.g., raspberries where each unit is a single carpel).

Aggregate Fruit | Definition, Examples & Uses

Aggregate fruits are a type of fruit formed from multiple ovaries in the same flower fusing together when ripening. Aggregate fruits are a type of fruit. Fruits ...

Difference between Aggregate Fruit and Multiple Fruit

The differentiating factor between aggregate fruits and multiple fruits is that multiple or composite fruits are a result of the gynoecium of different flowers ...


Aggregate Fruits: fruits derived from multiple ovaries of a single flower. Stawberries; Raspberries. Multiple Fruits: Fruits from many flowers packed together ...

第倫桃–從花的構造看聚合果( aggregate fruit)

2009年7月27日 — 學名:Dillenia indica L. 科名:第倫桃科Dilleniaceae. 相關觀察日誌. 2009.07.29 屏 ...

聚合果Aggregate fruit

Aggregate fruit consists of a number of separate carpels from one gynoecium. Each carpel produces a fruitlet, such as strawberry and blackberry.


聚合果(aggregate fruit),由單一花多個離生心皮發育而成的果實,例如樹莓 ... aggregate fruit - 聚合果. 雙語詞彙、學術名詞暨辭書資訊綱. 國家教育研究院 ...


Anaggregatefruitoretaerioisafruitthatdevelopsfromthemergerofseveralovariesthatwereseparatedinasingleflower.Incontrast,asimple ...,2024年2月19日—Aggregatefruitsconsistofseveralseparatecarpelsofoneapocarpousgynoecium(e.g.,raspberrieswhereeachunitisasinglecarpel).,Aggregatefruitsareatypeoffruitformedfrommultipleovariesinthesameflowerfusingtogetherwhenripening.Aggregatefruitsareatypeoffruit.Fruits...